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Rain Flowers

Take a Break!

Whenever you feel down, whenever you feel that life is boring, come to this page! Here we share some touching, some funny, some relaxing videos and music. Please write to us if you have any suggestions! Simply scroll down and leave your suggestions in the 'Contact' box!

Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care

A touching video that explores all our different stories.  This video may cause tears to well up in your eyes, and we discover how different all our lives are. 

Whispering Hope - Tuksda

This song is about hope, perseverance and resilience even in the darkest moments. Please enjoy!

Three invaluable tools to boost your resilience | BBC Ideas

Adversity does not discriminate! Be resilient and reach out for help when it hits you. Be empathetic and give a helping hand when it hits others!

Eat it! - "Weird Al" Yankovic

One of the funniest parody videos of all time. Weird Al Yankovic parodies Michael Jackson's iconic 'Beat it'. 


The Youtube Video doesn't play on other sites due to the administrator disabling playback on external websites, but press on the image on the right and you will immediately be redirected to the Youtube Video!

Eating Watermelon

​The Magical Power of Giving | Lynne Dale | TEDxBigSky

Summer Dale, a 15-year-old girl of no self-esteem, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer.  What pulled her out of the engulfing well of despair and sadness?  How could she continue to make a positive difference beyond her life?  Do watch this harrowing yet uplifting story told by her mother Lynne Dale.

Thankful - Josh Groban 

Somedays we forget

To look around us

Somedays we can't see

The joy that surrounds us

So caught up inside ourselves

We take when we should give.


It's up to us to be the change

And even though we all can still do more

There's so much to be thankful for!

Thai Emotional Short Clip - "Believe in the Value of Gratitude"

Who have been kind to you?  How do you show your gratitude? What value do you want to pass on to your children?


PS: Get your tissues ready before you watch the whole video.

​It's never too late | Dilys Price OBE | TEDxCardiff

Have you ever felt like your life was travelling in the wrong direction but that it’s too late to do anything about it? At age 54 that’s exactly how Dilys felt. She was anxious, stressed, disconnected and searching for her purpose but then something happened that changes her entire outlook as well as her future.

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